16 volume set, complete with a comprehensive index Edited by W. KELLY - 1856-1906, succeeded by F. E. RACE - 1906-1920 The student of Scripture will find reliable, sober help and instruction in THE BIBLE TREASURY. Besides scholarly and academic ability, one discerns that all the many contributors had the vital link of communion with God and a deep love for the Bible. The supremacy of the inspired Word as the sole guide for their lives in all matters is evident as the student reads their ministry.
Articles are by H. C. Anstey, l. 6 Bellett, H. Banase, A. P Cecil, J. N. Darby, C. J Davis, l. G Deck, W. H. Dorman, H. Dyer W. W. Fereday, F. W. Giant, l. L. Harris, W. J. Hocking, William Kelly, P. I. Loizeaux, A. Miller, T Newberry, F G Patterson, J.. A. yon Poseck, A. T. Schofield, H. H. Snell C. Stanley, J.. B. Stoney, C. E Stuart, E. J.. Thomas, W. Trotter, E. E. Whitfield, P P. Waldenstrom and G. V. Wigram, etc. Print size is 12'/2% larger than previous edition with whiter paper / blacker ink. Durable Hardback Binding. Index Listing-Authors, Scripture references and subjects. A serious consideration for the diligent student of the Scriptures.