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Pages: 414

Publisher: "The Holy Scriptures and Israel" Bible Society 

Binding: Paperback

Through many years of teaching the complex prophecy of Revelation, given by God to the Hebrew apostle John--Yochanan, brother Gideon has absorbed mankind's future by studying the past. He refers to many Scriptures from the Tanach, Old Testament and Brit Hadahsa, New Testament to prove the comments he is making. Brother Gideon ties together a historical-practical-prophetical view as he takes us through this revelation of Jesus--Yeshua the Messiah. Throughout he emphasizes the power, glory, majesty and beauty of God the Father and highlights the love, grace, and mercy of God the Son, the Lord Jesus--Yeshua the Messiah. He contrasts the glorious future of the called-out ones of every dispensation--Israel the nation and the Church--with the dire ultimate end of those who reject Jesus-Yeshua's redemptive work on the cross. 

We see God's dealings with us as we walk through the seven churches of Asia Minor while learning what they mean. Then we begin to view the world from a heavenly viewpoint when the true believers in the Lord Yeshua the Messiah, are ushered into His presence. In heaven we enjoy Him singing Halleluiahs to Jesus the Messiah for all eternity. 

While on earth, Yeshua begins to unveil His actions with those left behind. It's called the time of Jacob's trouble, the great Tribulation Period. Fierce and terrible activities occur as Satan grabs one last attempt at wresting power out of the hands of the living God. He can't, of course, Babylon falls and the tri-unity of evil is taken into eternal judgment. After seven horrible years, Jesus--Yeshua, the King of kings and Lord of lords descends, riding a white horse, with his "armies," angels and the saints of God who are attired in "fine linen, white and clean." All evil is judged and put away. All those who have remained faithful and true will enter into the Messianic kingdom and ultimately will see the holy city, the New Jerusalem at last. There they will enjoy eternal peace, eternal Shalom. 

The book ends with the Spirit and the bride's request, "Come!" and Messiah's promise, "Surely I am coming quickly." Amen.