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About us

In the time period from 2005 to 2008, Believer’s Bookshelf Canada Inc. increased its contribution to the literature work to our brothers and sisters in some of the economically and politically challenged countries. The Lord is Near Calendar printings were up to 28,000. In 2007 it became clear to the management team and board members that the days of printing thousand’s of books to get the price per book down and then storage them, were over. After prayerful considerations the Lord indicated that the new way to go was to print books ourselves. The process is called POD which stands for “Print on Demand”. This eliminates the need of having to print many books at one time to reduce the price and then having to pay to store them until they are sold. With POD we only print as many books as we deem necessary to fill demand. A high quality printer was purchased along with a binding machine that binds the pages of the book together and a cutting machine.

To further improve the appearance and durability of the books, a UV Coating Machine was purchased in the late summer of 2010. Now that all things are in place for a professional printing of the books we are focused on printing sound christian literature solely for the mission field. 

At the start of 2011 another phenomenon appeared on the horizon, E-Readers. This revolutionary wave of new technology in the literature markets and will not only affect the printing of secular literature but Christian literature as well. A person can download entire books and other printed material from a website onto the E-Reader for no or a minimal charge. The E-Reader is able to store 1000,s of titles and do many other things too numerous to mention here. It became evident that although BBCAN and its board resisted the movement of this new median of choice, there was really no other way to go but to incorporate it in our future plans. This means that in the very near future all the books that we have printed in the past will now be available on our website to be downloaded on an E-Reader for a small charge. This new median, although it has not yet reached a saturation point where it’s used by the entire population, will definitely be the way to reach the younger Christian population in the years ahead. This new way of communicating may also be a different way to reach out to those in far-away lands that are still without Christ. God only knows what is ahead and we trust Him to lead the way.

What about the future? It is evident from all that is happening around us in this world that it is being prepared for the arrival of the Antichrist and his entourage. However, when he appears on the world stage we will not be here for we will be with Lord in the Father’s House. In a very short time we will hear that shout and meet the Lord in the air and then be forever with Him. Until then we trust Him for all that is ahead as we have done for all that is past. He is truly faithfull! In the meantime, brothers and sisters we value your support both in prayer and financially so as to be able to continue the Lord’s work that He has given to us until He comes for us.